
At Bryn Celynnog, we aim to provide a curriculum which is full and varied, allowing our students a rich and exciting educational

In Years 7 to 9, students follow a broad and balanced range of subjects comprising English, mathematics, science, history, geography, religion, values and ethics, Spanish, Welsh, art, music, technology, physical education and careers education.

In Years 10 and 11 we offer a core curriculum of English, mathematics, science, Welsh, physical education, careers education, religion values and ethics and the Welsh Baccalaureate.

Students can then choose three option choices  from a number of additional subjects which include traditional, practical and vocational options. For more information please select the following link GCSE Options

From Year 7, students are grouped to allow more able students to work at a faster pace and students with additional needs to receive the support that they need in smaller classes. We make sure that movement between groups is flexible so that students who make better than expected progress can move into a higher set.

We encourage students to make intelligent use of modern technology to enable them to develop independent learning and research skills.

Student success is underpinned by our well qualified and enthusiastic teaching staff, who work extremely hard to ensure that students have every opportunity to achieve highly.