
Admission Arrangements
It is the right of parents to make an application to send their child to the school which they consider best suited to their child’s needs. Bryn Celynnog welcomes enquiries and applications, irrespective of home address.  We will be more than pleased to discuss your requirements in respect of your desire to enrol your child at the school.  This includes arrangements for admission and access for children with disabilities.

Please note that all applications for admission must be made through the Local Authority.

Full details of the arrangements for choosing a school are provided in the Local Education Authority’s booklet, ‘Starting School’.

Transition from Primary School
At Bryn Celynnog, it matters very much to us that your child makes a good start at secondary school.  We have, over many years, established an excellent relationship with our local primary schools.  Collectively, we believe that transition is a process rather than an event, and we work together to ensure that children have many opportunities to visit their new secondary school before starting in September.

Bryn Celynnog holds an Open Evening for Year 5 children in the summer term, which gives children and parents the opportunity to see the school in action.  We are only too pleased to be contacted individually by parents who wish to find out more.  There really is no substitute for a personal visit, which we can arrange for you during the school day, or, if more convenient, in the early evening.

In the autumn term, the Year 6 Evening Road Shows enable the Headteacher, staff and students from Bryn Celynnog to visit each primary school and talk to parents and children about all aspects of life in Year 7.

Throughout Year 6, children visit Bryn Celynnog to experience taster lessons in a variety of subjects including ICT, Science and Technology.  They also participate in an inter-school Sports Festival and a Public Speaking Competition.  Specialist teachers from Bryn Celynnog also visit and teach children in their own primary schools.

The Year 7 Head of Learning and the Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCO) spend a lot of time during Year 6 gathering information on each child so that vital details are transferred to us.

Finally, we would stress that a lot of care is taken during the first weeks of term to make sure that new children feel at home.  We are very conscious that the only child who can be taught successfully is a happy child.