
Assessment and Achievement

At Bryn Celynnog we encourage our students to achieve their personal best in every aspect of school life. We aim to celebrate and reward achievement at every opportunity.

When students enter Bryn Celynnog, we use data from the primary schools and our own screening tests to determine whether individuals would be best placed in the accelerated learning groups, the small special needs group or mixed ability groups. We set individual targets for all students.

During the Autumn Term, students and their parents are invited into school for a personal meeting with a senior member of staff. The aim in Year 7 is to provide key information about the transition to secondary school and in Year 10 to set GCSE targets.

Progress and achievement is then assessed by:

  • the regular marking of both classwork and homework;
  • regular testing to monitor progress;
  • GCSE ‘mock’ examinations in key subjects for Year 10 and 11 students;
  • interim Progress Checks twice a year, which indicates, by the use of effort and attainment grades, whether or not a student is on track to attain his/her individual targets;
  • termly monitoring of performance throughout Years 7 to 9;
  • half termly monitoring of performance throughout Years 10 and 11;
  • annual reports to parents which outline progress in each subject and give suggested strategies for further improvement.

The school provides frequent opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s progress.

Grading and Assessments

Both A Level and AS level will be graded at A*, A, B, C, D, E pass grades and U (unclassified) denoting a fail.

Monthly attendance checks will be made and parents informed if a pupils’ attendance in lessons falls below 90%. If a pupil’s attendance falls below this level they will be expected to pay their examination entry fees and in cases where a pupil’s attendance is very low they will not be entered for any examinations.

A fee will be levied for each resit module entered.

Pupils with low attendance figures, without valid reasons, will be expected to pay for all examination entries.

BTEC Grading 

All units are assessed and graded in school with pass, merit and distinction grades.

Assessment and Reporting 

Assessment and Examinations

Students' are assessed on a regular basis and in a manner which is directly relevant to the type of course they are studying.


All parents and students over 18 will receive full written reports on progress each year. In addition, there will be termly progress checks.

In each of their subjects pupils will be given a target grade that is based on their GCSE performance.