
Good attendance at school is vital in order for children to reach their full potential; there is a direct link between good attendance and good attainment.

Research shows that missing 17 school days per academic year can result in a drop of a GCSE grade across all subjects.

What is good attendance?

Regular and punctual attendance is essential for effective learning, promoting positive relationships and developing good attitudes. The recommendation from the Welsh Government is that good attendance is at least 95%.

Attendance % Impact on Learner No of days lost
96% to 100% Your child is taking full advantage of every learning opportunity. Up to 3 days missed
91% - 95% Your child could be at risk of under achieving and may need extra support from you to catch up on their missing lessons Up to 10 days missed
87% - 90% Your child`s poor attendance could be having a significant impact on their learning as they will be missing out on a broad and balanced education. Up to 19 days missed
86% Up to 27 days missed
80% - 85% Up to 38 days
Under 80% Up to 47 days


Authorised and Unauthorised Absence

Authorised absence means that the school has either given approval in advance for a pupil of compulsory school age to be away, or has accepted an explanation offered afterwards as justification for absence. Unless exceptional circumstances apply, the only four legitimate reasons for absence are:

  • Religious observance
  • Illness of child – when the nature of the illness has been specified
  • Death of a close family member
  • Urgent medical or dental appointment (Evidence Required) routine appointments should be made for out of school hours.

The school has the discretion to unauthorise an absence where it feels it is appropriate.

Role of Parents and Carers

Parents and carers are legally responsible for ensuring their children attend school regularly and on time. They can support their children by:

  • Ensuring regular and early bed times to provide sufficient sleep
  • Ensuring students set alarm times or give wake-up calls in plenty of time for students to have a healthy breakfast before school
  • Encouraging students to have uniform and school equipment ready the night before
  • Where possible, arranging routine medical appointments outside of school hours
  • Reporting any concerns promptly to school and retaining open and honest communications with school
  • Being positive about education


Reporting a pupil absence

The school needs to be notified of ALL absences and associated reasons by 9am at the latest.

This is a legal requirement and we need to code the child's absence appropriately.

Please call the school office (01443) 203411, choosing option 1, and leave a message or email Any unexplained absences are followed up by the authority`s Attendance Officer.

When leaving your message please be specific i.e stomach bug, headache etc. Leaving 'unwell' or `won't be in today or this week` will result in the school calling you to ascertain a reason.

Should your child be suffering from vomiting or diarrhoea, they must stay off school for 48 hours following the last bout of the illness.


Pupils can come into school from 8am and the school day start promptly at 8:45am. If a child arrives at school after 8:45am without prior arrangements having been agreed, he/she will be deemed late.

Pupils arriving at school after 8:45am must enter through reception and report to the school office to be signed in by a member of staff.

Minutes Late per day during the school year Approximate number of days teaching lost in a year
5 mins 3 days
10 mins 6 days
15 mins 9 days
20 mins 12 days
30 mins 18 days



From September 2014, the Local Authority has introduced a firmer approach to holidays during term time. Head teachers will consider each request on its own merits and have the discretion to authorise or unauthorise every leave of absence period. Should there be any special family circumstances that

prohibit a family taking a holiday during the school holiday periods, the head teacher may possibly decide to authorise the request.

If the Headteacher does not authorise an absence, but the child is still absent, then the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued.

Bryn Celynnog will only grant application for holidays in term time in special circumstance and when:

  • A child's attendance is above 95%.
  • The request is for no more than 5 school days in a school year.
  • Holidays are not during national assessments.

To apply for leave of absence for your child please complete the following form. The completed form can be emailed to

Holiday Form

Extra-Curricular Activities

To apply for leave to attend an extra-curricular activity please complete the following form. The completed form can be emailed to

Application for leave of absence form

Application for Extra-curricular activity